Change is Possible.
The Ananias Foundation works to stop domestic violence and abuse at the source by transforming the people causing harm. Join us in restoring lives and families by making a donation.
Make a Difference
Your generous donation helps us reach people who are hurting their loved ones and guide them toward safe, healthy relationships. And when we help one person change their behavior, we help heal their partner and family, too.
Lives Transformed
“I really can’t explain to you how much I already feel that your class and Guidebook are changing my life. It feels like I’ve been wearing a pair of cheap glasses my whole life, and just now I’ve been able to finally see everything with a new sense of clarity through a nice clear set of lenses!” Kevin, PA
“Your book and groups are making a huge difference in my life. I’m starting to feel some peace and self-worth and am excited now to dig deeper when before it was embarrassing and humiliating.” Meghan, NJ
“This has been such a good course. It’s not often that a group of men and women from different backgrounds can discuss openly their feelings, fears, what’s working for them, and what’s failed.” Graham, Hungary
“Appreciate all that you do and what you have built to help people on the “other side” of domestic violence. I searched long and hard and it’s tough to find anything for people who initiate the harm.” Jeff, CA
“Thank you for your help with our family. Your material made the biggest impact of anything else we’ve tried in the last 12 years. I’m hopeful now as I see real growth in how both my husband and I interact.” Maria, ON, Canada
“I am in a much better mental place, thinking clearer, and able to process my damaging behaviors in a healthy way while getting some healing for myself.” Mark, MN
How Your Gift
is Used
Our innovative and efficient online model allows us to reach thousands of people each year without wasting a single dollar on unnecessary overhead.

Why should I donate to the Ananias Foundation?
Domestic violence and abuse is a huge social problem. Half of us – women and men alike – will experience some form of abuse in our lives. Many of us will suffer serious emotional, physical, and financial impacts as a result. The most efficient and effective way to stop domestic violence and abuse is to get to the source and help those causing harm to change. That’s what the Ananias Foundation does.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! The Ananias Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so donations in the United States are tax deductible.
Can I mail a check to the Ananias Foundation?
Sure! Sometimes the old ways are best. Make the check out to “Ananias Foundation” and send it to P.O. Box 65141, West Des Moines, IA 50265.
Can I make a donation to the Ananias Foundation through Venmo?
Yes please! Our username is @AnaniasFoundation
How else can I get involved in the work of the Ananias Foundation?
Check out volunteer opportunities here.
Will you share my name or contact information with other organizations?
No. We will never share or sell your personal information.
I have a comment or question that is not answered here. How can I contact the Ananias Foundation?
Send us an email at
And, we’ve received a Gold rating from Candid (formerly Foundation Center and GuideStar) for our transparency.

Our Impact
Want to learn more about the difference we make in the lives of the people we serve? Check out this Impact Summary:
About Us
Learn more about the mission, beliefs, and history of the Ananias Foundation here: