by Michael | Feb 12, 2025 | First steps
The other day, I had a familiar conversation with an individual whose life has been turned upside down and whose marriage is hanging by a thread because of their abusive behavior. “I know I have some issues to work on. I want to, I really do! It’s just hard!” they...
by Michael | Jan 15, 2025 | The Change Journey
“I don’t understand,” Liz complained. “Several people close to me have told me they’ve noticed big improvements in how I manage my emotions. Nevertheless, my partner keeps telling me that I’m no better than before. Why can’t he see my growth?” Brad nodded his head...
by Michael | Dec 11, 2024 | Problem areas
We all have our moments. Life throws curveballs, and it’s natural to feel irritable or down from time to time. But when crabbiness or moodiness becomes a regular part of our personality, it doesn’t just affect us—it affects those closest to us, especially our...
by Michael | Nov 15, 2024 | Relationship skills
“I want a partner to take care of me,” Brenda said on one of our group calls. “If I’m feeling bad, they should cheer me up. Or when I get overwhelmed by too much to do, they should step in and take some of the load off me. And if choose to work – fine – but I...
by Michael | Oct 15, 2024 | Domestic Violence - General
“My husband and I have been separated for a year because he was physically and emotionally abusive. Since then, I know he’s been working on changing—going to counseling, taking classes, etc. Even though my friends and family think it’s a terrible idea, I miss him and...
by Michael | Sep 17, 2024 | Thinking Differently
“I used to get offended by everything,” Josh shared. “Someone driving slowly in the left lane: offended. The guy with 12 items in the 10 items or less check-out lane: offended. People explaining things I already know: offended. Not getting invited to the neighbor’s...
by Michael | Aug 14, 2024 | Communication Skills
Have you ever found yourself in a tense situation where you weren’t sure what to say? Or worse, you said or did the wrong thing, then later, you want to kick yourself for your poor response. How can we do better? The answer is preparation. Responding well in...
by Michael | Jul 15, 2024 | Root causes
One mistake I see folks who are trying to change harmful behavior make is focusing too much on the behavior. They promise themselves, and maybe their partner, to never do that hurtful thing again. They try—they really do—to not repeat violent or abusive actions. It...
by Michael | Jun 15, 2024 | Resources and reviews
While there are lots of books about domestic violence and abuse, few are written for individuals who want to stop hurting the ones they love. That’s unfortunate. Even more regrettable is that many books for domestic violence perpetrators are not helpful. They make...
by Michael | May 15, 2024 | First steps
Josie could not believe the things her partner said about how she affected him. She was confident of her good intentions and the care she felt for him. How could he feel such pain from their relationship? He must be saying these things to hurt her, she reasoned....
by Michael | Apr 15, 2024 | The Change Journey
Chris felt frustrated. He’d worked for the past seven months—attending our groups, going to counseling, and reading self-help books, and he was confident he’d improved. However, his partner did not recognize change in his behavior. Brianna could relate to Chris. She,...
by Michael | Mar 19, 2024 | Problem areas
Diane fired off another post on social media—this one poking fun at the “stupid, lazy people” who struggle to pay their bills. At the restaurant later that evening, she berated the wait staff for being “clueless about how to wait tables”. On the way home, she noted...
by Michael | Feb 21, 2024 | Root causes
If you want to change behavior that has harmed others, then getting to the source of those actions is key. Where do you start? Research over the past few decades consistently points us to start with our past. Specifically, we need to look at adverse childhood...
by Michael | Feb 7, 2024 | Problem areas
It happens to us all. We receive feedback and it stings. Or someone is angry at us and we want them to stop expressing it. Maybe, we feel guilty about something we’ve done, but we don’t want to be reminded of it. What do we do? Too often, we get defensive. What is...
by Michael | Jan 15, 2024 | The Change Journey
In a group meeting the other day, someone asked about the change process. When might they start seeing results? How long will the change process take to finish? These are common questions for those beginning their work to stop harmful or abusive behavior. I totally...
by Michael | Dec 12, 2023 | Relationship skills
Carlos felt lonely and longed for more time and connection with his wife. He tried to get her to pay more attention to him, but it sounded to her like criticism, which just made their relationship worse. In fact, she withdrew further, leaving Carlos feeling even more...
by Michael | Nov 15, 2023 | First steps
There you are, at the starting line. You’ve realized, maybe because of some very painful experiences, that you need to change. It’s humbling to admit it, but you now see that you have acted in ways that are considered to be domestic violence or abuse. The cost...
by Michael | Oct 19, 2023 | Thinking Differently
Annie is a busy mom who works from home. Her children are old enough that they don’t require constant care or supervision. However, she often feels extremely annoyed when they bicker among themselves or leave messes—which she feels obligated to clean up. She knows...
by Michael | Sep 15, 2023 | Resources and reviews
I often get questions about Lundy Bancroft’s book, Why Does He Do That? Despite this being the best-selling domestic violence book ever published, we do not include it on our recommended reading list. Some of inquirers wonder why, while others insist that we’ve...
by Michael | Aug 15, 2023 | Communication Skills
Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. – Leo Buscaglia The other day, my wife Lynn and I were walking through a parking lot. As we came to a place where we needed to turn to get to our car, Lynn continued walking straight....
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